6 December 2016
M1504a, 15/F Li Ka Shing Tower, PolyU / Staff Restaurant, PolyU

Fourteen Association's members, representative from the Honorary Auditors, and PolyU representatives joined the 2016 Annual General Meeting of the OPAA to receive the President's Report and Accounts of the Association for the year ended 30 June 2016. At the meeting, the members also adopted the Accounts, recorded a vote of thanks to Prof. Kenneth Pang for his tremendous support over the past four years as President, confirmed new members of the Board of Directors for the term of 2016-2018 and re-appointed KPMG to be the Honorary Auditors for the ensuring year. The 1st Board of Directors' Meeting for the new term of 2016-2018 was also held right after the 2016 AGM followed by a Christmas Lunch Gathering at Chinese Garden (Staff Restaurant) on PolyU campus.

The newly elected third Board of Directors (2016-2018) of the Association includes the following members:

Prof. Royce YUEN Man-chun (2009 Awardee)
Deputy President
Dr Hubert CHAN Chung-yee, JP (2013 Awardee)
Honorary Secretary
Ir Prof. James LAU Chi-wang, BBS, JP (2011 Awardee)
Honorary Treasurer
Mr Richard SUN Po-yuen, JP (2013 Awardee)
Ir Dr CHAN Fuk-cheung (2013 Awardee)
Ir Chan Siu-hung, JP (2015 Awardee)
Dr Johnny NG Kit-chong, MH (2015 Awardee)
Prof. Kenneth PANG Tsan-wing, SBS (2001 Awardee)
Mr Michael TSUI Kam-fai (2013 Awardee)
Ir Dr WONG Tit-shing (2009 Awardee)
Prof. Philip YEUNG Kwok-wing (2005 Awardee)